God of War is an action-adventure game franchise created by David Jaffe at Sony’s Santa Monica Studio. It began in 2005 on the PlayStation 2 video game console, and has become a flagship title for the PlayStation brand, consisting of ten games across multiple platforms with an eleventh currently in development.
Game Prices:
- Soft Copy: Rs.100/- Per 1-DVD (For Internal or External HDD/SSD’s *Excluding installation*)
- Hard Copy: Rs.180/- Per 1-DVD (For DVD Disks *Available for delivery*)
Terms & Conditions:
- For Soft Copy’s: You have to courier your storage device to us or walk-in to our store. (*For further information, please Contact Us before send your devices to us)
- Item Condition: We fully test all the games before sending. So please make sure your system specification equal or higher than in our item description. All the hard copy’s (DVD’s) once sold are final. No Return or Refunds are accepted. (Excluding DVD’s are damaged in delivery)